Dave agreed to run another LARP?

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Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby salamanca » Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:15 pm

Ok, so I foolishly ignored my own advice in the heat of the moment and told Mark, yes. I will run another Larp for this campaign probably in year 8 (we have some special extra tabletop things we would like to try and fit in before that). So for those of you who played, those of you who want to play and those of you that should be playing I have need of input. First off to those who were there, thanks. You played without needing to resort to the mechanics and I love that. Now, the next LARP. WILL BE CENTERED ON PLAYER CHARACTERS. I want to avoid placing NPCs in key roles and worry about trying to cast them. (i will have some for new people but they will not be the focus). So, keeping in mind this is 4 years away, I would like your player input on what you liked, what you did not enjoy and what you hated. I have thick skin about this so feel free to take me to task. I ALSO WANT SUGGESTIONS FOR PLOTS, THEMES, AND STORYLINES FOR THE NEXT ONE. So tell me what you would want to do at one of these larps. and remember, if you suggest nothing, I will let Mark write it and he will make us walk in a circle all night long.
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:23 pm

No, I had a better idea this time, we're going to climb a hill! (necessitating dozens of climbing rolls)

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby ZombieTonyBlair » Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:35 am

Grand Bullfight where everyone has to compete to come up with the best song honoring Don Gallo!
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby Lady Grace » Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:29 am

In that case, I'm rooting for the bulls... :twisted:
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby salamanca » Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:34 pm

Bullfight, Don Gallo, singing contest...noted.
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby Lady Grace » Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:38 pm

On a somewhat more serious note, if (a majority of) the Vesten contingent have left Altamira and abandoned their attempts at business (that mead hall), perhaps it's time for the more pragmatic Vendel to make some proper profit off that real estate... :twisted:
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:54 pm

Oh no. The Vesten are still hard at work clearing the forest of any number of nasties they've found. (You just haven't met them yet LG since they are largely concentrated at Total Confusion, OGC and GenCon).

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby salamanca » Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:42 pm

I will point out that I do want suggestions from everyone thinking of attending and those of you who cannot but have some good ideas. I want this to be an event where you can try and do some stuff that interests you as players. As well as furthering goals and objectives.
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby Swordchucks » Fri Jun 20, 2014 9:45 pm

May I humbly suggest more cheese rolling? I think we can all agree that was the highlight of the LARP.

Honestly the biggest part of the LARP for me will be seeing if the actions and events from it spread out into the campaign as a whole. As much fun as I had, it will be even better if things like the various youth oriented activity programs come to fruition and start being integrated into the game, even if it's just in small ways.

Also, I may be a bit biased but I felt the whole religious component of the event served as an excellent "neutral ground" kind of rational for having all those varied characters in one place. I'm not sure how you would go about it but a sporting event like the aforementioned bull fight might serve as another such event where no one character has the upper hand by virtue of being the "host".

As much fun as I had being thrust into the spotlight, might I suggest a scenario where a different group (the nobles maybe?) are being petitioned to support a specific outcome? I enjoyed the attention enough that it only feels right to share.
Last edited by Swordchucks on Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby Black Jack Rackham » Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:38 pm

Well it's about time you showed up ;)

But in all seriousness, the test of whether the actions of the LARP spread to the campaign as a whole really depends on you. Not you specifically but you the players. If you make that a priority, then we will add more stuff about it. If you ignore it, so do we. The only part of the campaign that is my responsibility is the main plots. Everything else (and I do mean everything) is a matter of what players gravitate toward.

The chopped down tree with the faux Vesten rune carved upon it, players did that
The lack of mead in the city and the subsequent Vesten Meadhall out in La Selva? players too.
Carlos' love life (or really the lack thereof) players spent PAs torturing him
The tamale guy and his secret? players
All the backgrounds in the campaign (most of which have at least some connection to the city and NPCs therein). All the players ideas.

All I really did was leave open-ended threads all over the place to see what you picked up. Then whatever you picked up (even if it was something completely off the wall) I ran with that.

kenderleech wrote:If the cows were not meant to be ridden, why would they be so close to the chase scenes?
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby Swordchucks » Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:13 am

Black Jack Rackham wrote:Well it's about time you showed up ;)

Well I needed to make sure this wasn't some fly-by-four-year operation. Make sure it was all legit.

So far so good.

Well, I guess I know what my next PA's are going to be focused on.
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby spizio » Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:52 pm

Just as long as the old lady gets home safely from market.

Black Jack Rackham wrote:Well it's about time you showed up ;)

But in all seriousness, the test of whether the actions of the LARP spread to the campaign as a whole really depends on you. Not you specifically but you the players. If you make that a priority, then we will add more stuff about it. If you ignore it, so do we. The only part of the campaign that is my responsibility is the main plots. Everything else (and I do mean everything) is a matter of what players gravitate toward.

The chopped down tree with the faux Vesten rune carved upon it, players did that
The lack of mead in the city and the subsequent Vesten Meadhall out in La Selva? players too.
Carlos' love life (or really the lack thereof) players spent PAs torturing him
The tamale guy and his secret? players
All the backgrounds in the campaign (most of which have at least some connection to the city and NPCs therein). All the players ideas.

All I really did was leave open-ended threads all over the place to see what you picked up. Then whatever you picked up (even if it was something completely off the wall) I ran with that.
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Re: Dave agreed to run another LARP?

Postby CaitlinCallahan » Sat Oct 17, 2015 10:04 pm

salamanca wrote: So, keeping in mind this is 4 years away, I would like your player input on what you liked, what you did not enjoy and what you hated.

Note to self - do not plan next trip to Ireland for 2018.....

That being said, this post made my night! (even if I am viewing WAAAAYYYYY after it was posted).

Since I didn't make any cons this year, I am looking at trying to do both Origins and GenCon next year. I will definitely try to work up some ideas for the LARP.
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